Saturday, August 31, 2019

Challenges Faced by a Country for Economic Development Essay

An economy is flourishing and is shown to be beneficial and fruitful for the people living in it only when the growth of the economy goes up continuously. It is essential for a country to not only develop politically or socially but it also needs to demonstrate economic development in order to sustain in the international market and in order to come ahead of other countries. But it is not very easy for any economy to economically keep growing because an umpteen number of internal and external factors that affect the growth and the economic development and it is essential and crucial for the countries to address the issues and move ahead. There are some very common challenges that are faced by an economy that are discussed below. The presence of external imbalances in the global economy is one of the most influential causes that impose a challenge on the economic development of any country. There can be reasons such as political disruptions, changes in import-export scenario or foreign currency reserve changes that can lead to imbalance in a country that is external to an economy. But the disruptions taking place in one country can adversely affect the economy and economic growth of other countries as well. The monetary and fiscal policies adopted by the government of an economy also have a huge role to play in the economic development. These policies tend to impact the interest rates, money supply and foreign exchange rates of an economy and if the policies are not in the favor of the growth, they can become major challenges and major issues all over the country. Read more: Essay About Disadvantages of Population The change in trade situations can also affect the economies. Exports of a country help it in generating external revenues while imports can be done for different purposes such as facilitation of a manufacturing process, providing basic necessities to the people etc. And hence if there is an imbalance in the external trade that is taking place in a country, it can lead to severe turbulence and can adversely impact the economic growth. Other economic factors such as poverty, inflation rate, population also are dependent on an economy and also impact the economy. If a nation has higher level of poverty, it is more likely to have economic challenges and similarly high population is not desired and not advisable for high economic growth. And that is the reason why the governments usually try to avoid these unfavorable situations and try to maintain a balance in the countries by different measures. There are many more reasons why the economies face severe challenge of demonstrating growth and hence it is crucial for the countries to adopt different and new policies in order to avoid these challenges and facilitate growth. Reference: View as multi-pages

Friday, August 30, 2019

Perioperative handouts

Perl-operative Nursing Phases of Perl-operative period 1. PRE- operative phase 2. INTRA- operative phase 3. POST- operative phase PRE-Operative Phase Begins when the decision to have surgery is made and ends when the client is transferred to the operating table INTRA-operative Phase Begins when the client is transferred to the operating table and ends when the client is admitted to the post-anesthesia unit Post-operative Phase Begins with the admission of the client to the PACIFIC and ends when healing is complete Activities in the Pre-pop 1 . Assessing the clients 2. Identifying potential or actual health problems 3.Planning specific care 4. Providing pre-operative teaching 5. Ensure consent is signed Activities during the Intra-pop 1 . Assisting the surgeon as scrub nurse and circulating nurse Activities in the POST-pop 2. Assessing responses to surgery 3. Performing interventions to promote healing 4. Prevent complications 5. Planning for home-care 6. Assist the client to achieve optimal recovery TYPES of SURGERY 1 . According to PURPOSE 2. According to degree of URGENCY 3. According to degree of RISK Effects of Surgery on the Client Stress response (Neuroscience response) is activated Resistance to infection is lowered due to surgical incisionVascular system is disturbed due to severing of blood vessels and blood loss Organ function may be altered due to manipulation Factors influencing Surgical Risk Age Nutrition Fluid and Electrolyte balance General health status: infection, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary problems, liver dysfunctions, renal dysfunctions or metabolic disorders Medications affecting Surgery Anticoagulants like aspirin and UNSAID should be discontinued 2 weeks Tranquilizer may cause hypertension and shock Antibiotics like encyclopedias may intensify effects of anesthesia Diuretics may cause electrolyte imbalance antiphon may cause hypertension Psychological support Assess client's fears, anxieties, support system and patterns of coping Es tablish a trusting relationship with client and family Explain routine procedures, encourage fertilization of fears and allow clients to ask questions Provide for spiritual care if needed Preoperative teaching Assess client's level of understanding of surgical procedure and its implications Answer questions, clarify and reinforce explanations given by the surgeon Explain routine pre-pop and post-pop procedures Teach coughing and deep breathing exercise, splinting of incision, turning side to did.Explain its importance in preventing complications Assure client that pain medication will be given Pre-operative teaching Physical Preparation Obtain hex of past medical conditions Perform baseline head to toe examinations including vital signs Ensure that diagnostic exams are performed CB, Electrolytes, APT/APT, Urinalysis, EGG, Blood typing, Chest Cray Prepare client skin Shower with antibacterial soap to cleanse skin Skin prep if ordered: shave or clip hairs and cleanse appropriate areas to reduce bacteria on skin Administer enema if ordered Promote adequate rest and asleep Instruct client to remain NP after midnight to prevent vomiting and aspiration Pre-pop elimination Laxatives, enemas or both may be prescribed the night before surgery Have the client void immediately BEFORE transferring them to the OR Foley catheter may be inserted as ordered Legal Responsibility Surgeon obtains operative permit (Informed consent) 1. Surgical procedure, alternatives, possible complications, disfigurements 2.Part of nurse's role as client advocate to confirm that clients understands information given Informed Consent An active shared decision making process between the provider and the recipient of are. 3 conditions 1 . Adequate disclosure of the diagnosis, nature and purpose of treatment, risk and consequences, probability of successful outcome and prognosis if treatment is not done. 2. Patient must demonstrate a clear understanding and comprehension of information being provid ed 3. Recipient of care must give consent voluntarily, not persuaded or coerced to undergo the procedure. Consent are not needed for emergency care if; 1. There is an immediate threat to life 2. Experts agree that it is an emergency 3. Client is unable to consent 4. A legally authorized person cannot be reachedPreparation Immediately before surgery Obtain a baseline vital signs Provide oral hygiene and remove dentures Remove client's clothing and dress in clean gown Remove nail polish, cosmetics, Jewelry Instruct to empty bladder Check identification band Intra-operative phase interventions Determine the type of surgery and anesthesia used Position client appropriately for surgery Assist the surgeon as circulating or scrub nurse Maintain the sterility of the surgical field Monitor for developing complications Preparing the surgical site Purpose of prepping is to reduce the unit of organisms available to migrate to the surgical wound. Task is the responsibility of the circulating nur se Principle of scrubbing from the clean area to dirty area is observed at all times Anesthetics Anesthetics are drugs that are used to cause complete or partial loss of sensation. The numerous anesthetics can be broadly classified as : 1. General 2.Local anesthetics General Anesthesia Loss of sensation with loss of consciousness Skeletal muscle relaxation Analgesia Elimination of somatic, autonomic and endocrine response including coughing, gagging and vomiting Protective reflexes are lost Amnesia, analgesia and hypnosis occur Administered in two ways: Inhalation Intravenous IV anesthetics Produces rapid, smooth induction, may be used alone in short procedures Common IV anesthetics: methodical, Sodium tapeline (Penetrate), modally Disadvantages: poor relaxation, respiratory and myocardial depression in high doses, bronchiole's, laryngitis's, hypertension and respiratory depression Dissociation Agents Produce state of profound analgesia, amnesia and lack of awareness without loss of consciousness Astatine (Catalan) Side effects: tachycardia, hypertension, respiratory depression, hallucinations Precautions: decrease verbal, tactile and visual stimulation during recovery periodNarcoleptics Produces state of narcoleptic analgesia characterized by reduced motor activity and analgesia without loss of consciousness Fontanel citrate (Innovator) SE; hypertension, brickyard, respiratory depression, skeletal muscle rigidity, twitching Precaution: reduce narcotic dose to prevent respiratory depression Local Anesthesia Local anesthetics are drugs that cause a loss of sensation in limited areas of the body to abolish pain. They are powerful nerve blockers injected locally. Systemic absorption of the anesthetics can produce numerous side effects. Examples of Local anesthetics: The â€Å"CANINES† Loading Debasing Procaine Terracing The side effects of local anesthetics Local effects- local irritation and skin breakdown CONS effects if systemic absorption occurs- heada che, restlessness, anxiety, dizziness, tremors and blurred vision.GIG system- nausea, vomiting Cardiac- arrhythmias, peripheral vacillation, myocardial depression, and rarely, cardiac arrest Nursing Responsibilities Maintain emergency equipment on standby to provide life-support in cases of severe reactions Ensure that drugs are available for managing hypertension, cardiac arrest ND CONS alterations. Provide adequate hydration to patients receiving spinal anesthesia. Position the client supine for up to 12 hours after spinal anesthesia to minimize spinal headache Provide safety and comfort measures such as side-rails up, frequent skin care and supportive care Give health teaching to explain things the patient needs to know to allay fears. Stages of Anesthesia Depth Usually trained individuals with the special equipments ready for life support administer the agents The patient undergoes through a predictable stages known as STAGES of ANESTHESIA: 1 to 4

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The War of 1812

The War of 1812: It’s Importance to America The War of 1812 is probably our most obscure conflict. Although a great deal has been written about the war, the average American is only vaguely aware of why we fought or who the enemy was. Even those who know something about the contest are likely to remember only a few dramatic moments, such as the writing of â€Å"The Star-Spangled Banner,† the burning of the nation’s capital, or the Battle of New Orleans. Why is this war so obscure? One reason is that no great president is associated with the conflict.Although his enemies called it â€Å"Mr. Madison's War,† James Madison was shy and deferential, hardly measuring up to such war leaders as Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, or Franklin Roosevelt. Moreover, the best American generals in this war – Andrew Jackson, Jacob Brown, and Winfield Scott – were unable to turn the tide because each was confined to a one or two theaters in a war that had seven or eight theaters. No one like George Washington, Ulysses Grant, or Dwight Eisenhower emerged to put his stamp on the war and to carry the nation to victory.Although these things are true though, the War of 1812 is the most important event for America, because it officially broke us as the United States of America apart from Great Britain. Another reason for the obscurity of this war is that its causes are complex and little understood today. Most scholars agree that the war was fought over maritime issues, particularly the Orders in Council, which restricted American trade with the European Continent, and impressment, which was the Royal Navy’s practice of removing seamen from American merchant vessels.In contemporary parlance, the war was fought for â€Å"Free Trade and Sailors' Rights. † These issues seem arcane today. Moreover, the only way that the United States to strike at Great Britain was by attacking Canada, and that made it look like a war of territorial agg ression. Even today Canadians are likely to see the war in this light, and who can blame them? A war fought to secure maritime rights by invading Canada strikes many people as curious. The prosecution of the war was marred by considerable bungling and mismanagement. This was partly due to the nature of the republic. The ation was too young and immature – and its government too feeble and inexperienced – to prosecute a major war efficiently. Politics also played a part. Federalists vigorously opposed the conflict, and so too did some Republicans. Even those who supported the war feuded among themselves and never displayed the sort of patriotic enthusiasm that has been so evident in other American wars. The advocates of war appeared to support the conflict more with their heads than their hearts, and more with their hearts than their purses. As a result, efforts to raise men and money lagged far behind need.Despite the bungling and half-hearted support that characterized this conflict, the War of 1812 was not without its stirring moments and splendid victories. American success at the Thames in the Northwest, the victories at Chippewa and Fort Erie on the Niagara front, the rousing defense of Baltimore in the Chesapeake, and the crushing defeat of the British at New Orleans – all these showed that with proper leadership and training American fighting men could hold their own against the well-drilled and battle-hardened regulars of Great Britain.Similarly, the naval victories on the northern lakes and the high seas and the success of privateers around the globe demonstrated that, given the right odds, the nation’s armed ships matched up well against even the vaunted and seemingly invincible Mistress of the Seas. The war also produced its share of heroes–people whose reputations were enhanced by military or government service. The war helped catapult four men into the presidency – Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, James M onroe, and William Henry Harrison – and three men into the vice-presidency – Daniel D.Tompkins, John C. Calhoun, and Richard M. Johnson. The war also gave a significant boost to the political or military careers of other men. Indeed, for many young men on the make, the war offered an excellent launching pad for a career. In some ways, the War of 1812 looked more to the past than to the future. As America's second and last war against Great Britain, it echoed the ideology and issues of the American Revolution. It was the second and last time that America was the underdog in a war and the second and last time that the nation tried to conquer Canada.It was also the last time that Indians played a major role in determining the future of the continent. In this sense, the War of 1812 was the last of the North American colonial wars. The war was unusual in generating such vehement political opposition and nearly unique in ending in a stalemate on the battlefield. Although mos t Americans pretended they had won the war – even calling it a â€Å"Second War of Independence†Ã¢â‚¬â€œthey could point to few concrete gains – certainly none in the peace treaty – to sustain this claim. It is this lack of success that may best explain why the war is so little remembered.Americans have characteristically judged their wars on the basis of their success. The best-known wars – the Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II – were all clear-cut successes. Although many people remembered the War of 1812 as a success, it was in a very real sense a failure, and perhaps this is why it attracts so little attention today. The obscurity of this war, however, should not blind us to its significance, for it was an important turning point, a great watershed, in the history of the young republic.It concluded almost a quarter of a century of troubled diplomacy and partisan politics and ushered in the Era of Good Feelings. It marked the en d of the Federalist party but the vindication of Federalist policies, many of which were adopted by Republicans during or after the war. The war also broke the power of American Indians and reinforced the powerful undercurrent of Anglophobia that had been spawned by the Revolution a generation before.In addition, it promoted national self-confidence and encouraged the heady expansionism that lay at the heart of American foreign policy for the rest of the century. Finally, the war gave the fledgling republic a host of sayings, symbols, and songs that helped Americans define who they were and where their young republic was headed. Although looking to the past, the war was fraught with consequences for the future, and for this reason it is worth studying today, and that is why it is the most important event for America.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Virgin Group in 2012 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Virgin Group in 2012 - Case Study Example owards the achievement of the companies’ mission which is being a shopper victor through delivery of brand values such as superior quality products dazzling customer service and competitiveness. The vision of the organization is implementing its plan of global presence in travel, entertainment, and mobile communications such that their involvement in this existing markets benefits both the organization and the consumers in general The history of the company dates back in 1968 while Branson was a student and he published a magazine which displayed his sub sequential entrepreneurial features. His magazine targeted the young generation appealing to its optimism, irreverence and its interest in fashion, music and avant-grade culture. He later ventured into mail-order record business in a street in London and in 1984 he ventured into airline business( Rosenberg, 2010). His private company expanded in internal cash flows and external financing with his new businesses concentrated around travel, holidays, retailing, IT, deregulation and privitasation and international expansion. With his ample knowledge in business, Richard amplified consciousness in matters of the business relationship with environment, ethics and the social role pressured his business to creating a project aware design to widen reliable business operations. The management in the virgin company has been in the forefront in contributing to issues of its relationship with culture ,ethics and the social role by participating in initiatives and creating awareness to its stakeholders. Branson believes that employees are the holding pillar to the business and attending to their needs helps the feel the sense of belonging to the company and hence take responsibility in running the company smoothly. The company provides spotless, vigorous and a secure working environment for its workers with reasonable terms and conditions of operation(Great Britain press,2013). This motivates the employees to work harder

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 10

Strategic Management - Essay Example By positioning themselves in this segment Yes Bank quickly rose to become number 3 in services within a very short time. They also relied on the fact that knowledge is power and appropriately used this as a ploy to gain market share. They offered specialized service in six specific knowledge sectors to satisfy the needs of their target market. It has been stated by Hamel and Prahalad that companies that desist from competing for future market opportunities are doomed and forgo corporate value creation that they had achieved in the past. (Hamel and Prahalad 1990). Yes Bank was founded on the basis of the personal achievements of its founders who realized that personalized banking was a niche area that would create high value. Corporate strategies have been divided into Five Ps by Mintzberg and they are Plan, Ploy, Position, Pattern and Perspective. While each is a separate type of strategy with its attendant qualifications, yet they are usually present in all strategies to some degree. The real difference lies in the fact that one of them will be dominant and others will play a supportive role. (Mintzberg 1987). The Plan is the basis of any strategy and has to be worked out well before commencement and its implementation is by execution of the various steps of the Planned Strategy. A Ploy is radically different in as much that it is a tactic to force the competition to re-think its own strategy. It is a plan that is usually divertive or subversive and may be used or not used as a direct strategy but as an indirect threat to the rival’s plan. At best these are short term strategies aimed at specific situations. The Positioning is a long term objective of corporate operations and requires more attention to detail and a firm commitment to accept the consequences and to overcome roadblocks. It is an assertive policy that will require total cooperation of all

Human Trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Human Trafficking - Research Paper Example However, the government of the US is combating trafficking in persons both at home and abroad. The clauses, which have been covered in â€Å"the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 gives new protections to the trafficking victims; the pre-existing penalties â€Å"(Human Trafficking, 2012) have been enhanced. Moreover, certain benefits and services are provided to those who have been severely affected by human trafficking. It was in 1994 that the US started monitoring persons being victimized by trafficking in persons. This was mainly when the issue became prominent in Annual’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices of the Department (Human Trafficking, 2012). Initially, the women and girls who were trafficked for sexual purposes were kept in the limelight. However, the situation has changed now and men, women and children who are being trafficked in any form of labor force whether it be agriculture, domestic service, construction work, or sweatshops are monitored on a constant basis (Human Trafficking, 2012). The human traffickers commit this act usually when the situation is critical and the police agencies cannot really do anything about it. For instance, when there were crisis in Lebanon, at that time the traffickers took 300000 people in their refuge. These people were mostly from Sri Lanka and Philippines. This was when the important people were busy being evacuated. In such circumstances, the police become handicapped and cannot take any action. The US should focus on having wide-ranging national policies and programs that will assist in preventing human trafficking; hence, the victims will be protected. Moreover, the police agencies should have strong networks so that the exchange of information regarding routes of traffickers as well as their profiles and the profiles of the victims could be easily tracked. Moreover, the police agencies should be a part of UNODC (UNGIFT, 2007). UNODC is contributing in the prevention of

Monday, August 26, 2019

WorldCom Case study (summary assignment) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WorldCom Case study (summary assignment) - Essay Example In 1995, it was renamed as WorldCom with ambitious plans for global expansion. In1996 it made efforts to acquire MCI, a much larger telecom company which was finally realized in 1998. By 1999, it was 14th largest firm in US. The failed bid for Sprint, large telecoms provider in USA also started the downfall of WorldCom. The large number of acquisitions and mergers were not integrated within the broader culture of WorldCom. Consequently steady increase of complaints and lawsuits necessitated giving millions of dollars in penalties, refund and payments by WorldCom. This opened Pandora box which exposed manipulation of books and financial irregularities by Ebbers and other directors and amounting to billions of dollars of hard earned money of the investors and shareholders. The share price of $62 in 1999 fell to 7 cents in 2002. Over payment on sales commission, inflated cash flow of nearly 4 billion and false corporate book keeping led to nearly $30 billion in debt and finally to its bankruptcy. All its major directors were found guilty. In 2004, it emerged from bankruptcy as MCI with credible board

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Global supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global supply chain management - Essay Example The presence of this ingredient in the beef burgers of Tesco revealed a weak supply chain with missing standards for quality control and lack of proper accountability measures. Moreover, it was found that the supplier was the main person responsible for this major fraud and he deceived his customers. Although the fraud was committed but the customers’ trust was lost in the big brands and it impacted the reputation of Tesco to a great extent. It showed that the global supply chains are ineffective as they are unable to check the quality of the supplies and outsourcing the value chains has not been such an effective decision in the long-run for the organisations. In order to make sure that the logistics framework is collaborative and integrated, it is mandatory for Tesco to maintain a balance between the contemporary supply chain demands and sustainable elements of the logistics framework. Every organisation has to make sure that it successfully meets all the three obligations o f the sustainable supply chain structure i.e. economic, social and environmental. Since a firm exists to make profit and give customers value proposition offerings, Tesco makes sure that it meets the customers’ needs but it has to keep a strict control on the upstream and downstream activities of its value chain so that any errors are avoided. In order to make sure that the logistics framework is collaborative and integrated, it is mandatory for Tesco to maintain a balance between the contemporary supply chain demands.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Analysis - Essay Example On the section on project information, we are able to glean several insights. One is that the majority of projects being worked on are commercial projects. Two is that in terms of roles, the project management supervisors hold sway with regard to who gets what roles. Many of the projects are client-initiated, even as a sizable percentage is likewise initiated by government. Excel is a widely-used software tool. A minority makes use of no software at all, while a large number makes use of checklists. These latter findings have implications on where Redstone can improve in terms of the tools used in project management. The section on project pitfalls provides insights into the many different challenges that go with project management at Redstone. One is that which pertains to post project assessments, where a majority reports that those are done, even as a relatively minor percentage either reports the report assessment results to superiors or review the assessments made. This finding has implications for how well future projects can be managed, learning from the experience of past projects and being able to document and discuss those learnings via post project

Friday, August 23, 2019

Givaudan Flavors, its Major Problems and Possible Soltions Case Study

Givaudan Flavors, its Major Problems and Possible Soltions - Case Study Example - Solution B. In the scheduled meeting, both Tastyco and Givaudan should emphasize aligning their goals and objectives to ensure that adequate benefits are earned by both these ends. Rather than pressuring Givaudan to reduce costs to be categorized as a Strategic Supply Partner, the meeting should focus on comparing and analyzing the benefits as well as drawbacks that they will have to face being in agreement and even if not being in agreement. - Advantages A. Solution A, as suggested in the above section, is quite likely to result in higher demand for Tastyco, which will, in turn, result in an increase in its profit margin. By ordering larger volumes from Givaudan, Tastyco will have to implement push-selling strategies in order to build better customer loyalty and thereby augment selling capacity. This, in turn, will also motivate Givaudan to decrease its price per unit, offering cost benefits to Tastyco and on the other hand, avoiding any decrease in its profit margin. -Disadvantages A. In the long run, this solution may impose a direct negative effect to the break-even points of Givaudan, as any decrease in the quantity demanded will result into lowered profit margin and hence, may force the two partners to emerge. Hence, the solution may not be viable in the long-term. Advantages B. Conducting a meeting between the two parties can result in a mutual agreement, which can be beneficial to both the companies. Being able to relate their aims and objectives, Tastyco and Givaudan can further result into a common objective satisfying their individual value targets. Disadvantages B. In order to solve the pricing problem, negotiation between Givaudan and Tastyco is a necessity. However, if Givaudan is pressured to change its pricing strategies, there are high chances that it might seek for partnership with larger competitors of Tastyco, raising differentiation concerns. In addition, departing their ways may reduce market shares held by both the companies as well as result in Tastyco losing the value-added advantages that it used to retain from Givaudan.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Statement of purpose for undergrad in business studies Essay Example for Free

Statement of purpose for undergrad in business studies Essay â€Å"Take up one idea. Make that idea your life- think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success†. I read this quote by Swami Vivekananda in 2011 when I was deciding my career choice in 2011 when I was in Grade 11. Initially I was inclined towards science as that’s the preferred career option for most in India. However a deeper analysis, introspection and influence of my parents made me realize my strengths and interests make me more suited for Economics and Business Studies. My family has been a major influence – my father and maternal uncle are both engineers with an MBA from top business schools and have made a great career for themselves. My father is into international business development and marketing and has made a successful career. After deciding on Commerce and Business Studies, I scored 91. 2 % (top 10 % in the CBSE across in grade 12 and made it to the top 10 % of candidates who took the board exam nationwide. After 12th grade, I took an entrance exam and qualified for the interview and group discussion round by securing a national rank of 143. I made it to the top 80 students to get admission to the coveted College of business studies, Delhi University (voted as Asias best undergraduate management college by the Commonwealth of Nations). Good academic performance in my school and college, active participation in academic as well as extra-curricular activities in several marketing activity groups and several part time and full time internships during college have helped me to develop analytical, communication and social interaction skills. I now feel strongly that I would like to pursue this career further. During the one and a half years of my undergraduate studies, I interacted with students from different cultural and social backgrounds. The college has a strong culture of developing practical skills and nurturing entrepreneurship. Most students got campus placements and more than 60 % students chose management consulting and marketing as career options. I used to visit NGO’s and teach students on weekends but I wanted to do something bigger. I got through Kartavya ( The social service club of my college) and here, I organized blood donation camps and collection drives in college, visited slums , organized movie screenings and talent shows for the unprivileged children living in orphanages and the happiness I got by seeing them happy is inexpressible. I was a part of MIC (The Management Interaction Cell) wherein my team co-hosted an event with FICCI ( Federation of Indian chambers of commerce and Industry ). I was given the role of Director, Human resources at DUMUN (Delhi University Model United Nations) where my key roles involved raising funds for our national level event, managing and ensuring co-ordination in the team and representing my team to the college authorities. While organizing and hosting these events, I led teams and was appreciated for my leadership skills and dedication towards my clubs. I started enjoying the whole process of recruiting new members, leading them, pitching to prospective sponsors to raise funds and managing the working of the team . This was the time I realized that I enjoy leading people and it is something I can do well. Academically, I balanced my studies well with my co-curriculars and always scored 80% and above in my semesters. I enjoyed every bit of my course and thoroughly researched on all my projects. Business Research, Organizational Behavior and Marketing management have been my favorite subjects in college. The project I enjoyed the most was a live project in Public Relations for which I studied the Cadbury worm crisis and took interviews of employees there to gain first hand knowledge over their crisis. CBS has made me confident about my choice of stream and made me realize my ambitions in life. To quench my thirst for practical management knowledge, I went on to join Vodafone as an HR intern where my assignment was to check employee satisfaction by conducting surveys, suggest better schemes and analyze the areas where improvement was required. Later, I also joined Brand Hawkers as a Marketing trainee. My job assignment involved creating a prospect list of advertising partners for our ‘SmartBooks’ product, qualifying and pitching to them and facilitating their engagement with Brand Hawkers. During this assignment I realized that marketing was the forte I wanted to excel in since this is what I enjoyed the most. It didn’t seem like work to me but it was simply fun. I am confident of my abilities to carve a niche for myself in this field of Business Management. I am ready to take the desired steps to achieve my ultimate goal.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Very Indian Poem in English Essay Example for Free

A Very Indian Poem in English Essay Nissim Ezekiel is one of those Indian poets writing in English who creates an authentic flavor of India, by his use of Indian English Pidgin English on Bazar English, as it is often called. In this poem, the Indian flavor has been created by stressing the various mistakes which Indians commit in their use of English, by bringing in the hopes and aspirations of free India, and also the attitudes of her two hostile neighbors, China and Pakistan. Poetic Inspiration for the Poem: It all started as a comment by a friend who said that you write in English no doubt and you write English well but you dont seem to even know or realise that thousands of Indians speak what can only be called Indian English, So from that time in all his train journeys from Mithibai College back home, he started to take some interest in the way English was being spoken on the train. Every time he heard an obvious Indian English phrase like, Im not knowing only. he would take it down. When he had about a thousand of these, he thought of creating this present poem. The Indian Living Conditions: Ezekiel presents that the new generation is going after fashion and foreign things. He presents the typical Indian make up. The Indian living conditions are sought to be portrayed. The India of yester years is no longer to be seen here, as modernization and industrialization have speeded up the process of change. The regrettable thing in the modern world is the act of violence and anti – social tendencies proving to be a menace. Still the positive aspects like regeneration, remuneration and contraception could be thought of as a way out of the present muddle. One can certainly hope for the better and propagate the best that is thought as unique. Ancient Indian Wisdom: In the second stanza, the readers get a peep into things Indians as Gandhis heir, he would opt for peace and non violence. He is puzzled why others are not following Gandhis advice while in this estimate, the ancient Indian wisdom is correct, contrastively the modern generation takes it to whatever is western and fashionable like other Indians, he too has to improve his English language. The student interest and petty agitations make him feel sickening line Antonys appeal to the Roman mob, he will call upon the fellow citizens to think of the past masters. Thus in the third stanza, he pronounces, In order to get away from that which is disgusting, he wants to have a cup of wine which is very good for digestion. It can be taken as equivalent to the western wine if only a little salt is added to make it a lovely drink. The poet confesses that he is the total abstainer from drinks while it is taken by addicts to gunch themselves, he for his part would turn to simple drinks like lassi. Thus, the poet tries to receive the old Gandhian days. The World Situation Today: In the fourth stanza, the poet is able to think aloud and offer his comments on the world situation today. The present conditions all over the world speak of a bad trend that give an edge to the production of dangerous weapons and try to be superior to others. The countries of the world often tie with each other in keeping themselves ahead of others in this mad competitive world. This retrace often leads to conflicts resulting in loss of precious human lives. If only one considers the other as the brother; the trend could be changed. Unity in Diversity: India is a land where the principle of unity in Diversity is practiced. Here many communities live together even though there are some problems. This ideal situation in which one Co-exists with the other is described as Ram Rajya by the poet. He gives the hand of friendliness to the visitor and expects him to come again. The poet is optimistic when he says that he enjoys every moment of good company. So, he ends the poem by saying that he does not feel the necessity of celebrating ceremonies. Common Mistakes ‘highlighted’ in the Poem: Substrate influence on grammar is quite common. It is often frowned upon as wrong, but eventually becomes a regular part of the new language variant. The Patriot contains a number of Indian English examples: the reduplication of verbs in fighting fighting, the lack of indefinite and definite articles in threw stone at Indirabehn and all people of world, the use of one instead of the indefinite article a in one glass lassi, the excessive use of the definite article the in not that I am ever tasting the wine, the excessive use of the continuous tense (the -ing form) in I am standing for peace and non-violence, the omission of an obligatory object pronoun in modern generation is neglecting (instead of neglecting this) etc. Again, this is a satirical poem rather than a genuine example of Indian English, but the phenomena exemplified are genuine enough. Conclusion: Nissim Ezekiel occupies a unique position among Indo-Anglian poets of post-Independence era. Nissim opposed the idealism and romanticism of the earlier group of Indian writers in English, and tried to look at any typical Indian situation with an Indian attitude, with a novel and dynamic Indian insight. He cleverly manipulated Indian English to bring out the Indian worldview. Thus Ezekiel uses Indian English, or Babu Angrezi in his poetry to depict the characteristics of Indian attitude. He used irony as a weapon to depict the characteristic features of Indian attitude.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Movie The Whale Rider History Essay

The Movie The Whale Rider History Essay Whale rider is a 2002 drama film directed by Niki Caro, based on the novel of the same name by Witi Ihimaera.the film stars Keisha castle-Hughes as kahu piakea apirana,a 12years old Maori girl who wants to become the chief of the tribe. Her grandfather koro believes that this is a role reserved for males only. The film was a coproduction between New Zealand and was shot whangara, the setting of the novel. Leader chosen as piakea and koro. Koro was an autocratic leader it is also known as authoritarian leader this is used in situations where control is necessary or when circumstances are dangerous, Many times, the subordinate staff is inexperienced or unfamiliar with the type of work and heavy oversight is necessary. Rigid organizations often use this style. It has been known to be very paternalistic, and in highly-professional, independent minded teams, it can lead to resentment and strained morale. Piakea had charismatic leadership style were as koro had a information leadership style I would choose piakea as a good leader; Piakea was really interested in her leadership and culture. She also had positive cultural identity like grandfather. She was sure that she can do better anything than other young boys, such as when learning traditional songs and dance, but she always obeyed when Koro order her to stop it or to leave it. She also respected her grandfather as a Mori leader. Piakea always pursued to grandfathers love and recognition from him but less encouraged by him. The effectiveness Koro is blinded by prejudice and even Flowers cannot convince him that Piakea is the natural heir. The old Chief is convinced that the tribe misfortune began at Paikeas birth and calls for his people to bring their twelve-year-old boys to him for training. He is sure that through a grueling course of action of ideas the ancient chants, tribal lore and warrior techniques, the upcoming leader of their tribe will be revealed to him. Meanwhile, deep within the ocean, a massive school of whales is responding to Paikeas calls. When the whales happen to stranded on the beach, Koro is sure this signal an apocalyptic end to his tribe in anticipation of one person prepare to make the final sacrifice to save the community the Whale Rider. Piakea has to fight to get identification as a girl with potential to lead in an surroundings where me are the ones who grow to be the leaders. She goes to bizarre lengths to show how much she loves her grandfather and how much she wants him to be successful as a Chief. Quote 🙠 Maori women have got to stop smoking; weve got to protect our childbearing properties.)She was showing her qualities as a leader or thinking as a leader that it wasnt right and its when her grandfather tried to start the boats engine and he couldnt but piakea started the boats engine Type of power koro holds legitimate leadership power were  in leadership is the power that a director gets by fail to pay due to his position in an organization; a leader essentially is distinguished from a follower due to the better rights and liability he has than others i.e. extra rights that justifiable power bestows and distinguishes him from group it is a kind of power which comes from the authority of your rate and position in the chain of command.. Koro is a kind of chief who follows and obeys his traditional rules he doesnt abuse his powers even if its his own son or granddaughter Pai holds referent power: an individual over the Team or Followers, based on a high level of identification with, admiration of, or respect for the power holder/ leader. Nationalism, patriotism, celebrities, mass leaders and widely-respected people are examples of referent power in effect Type of organization, level of seniority and its effects This leadership position in the whale rider is a part of the Ngati konochi, residents of the small fishing village of Whangara New Zealand (where they filmed the movie in reality). A Ngati is a Maori tribe Ngati Porou and is a traditional Maori kiwi located in regions east of Cape and Gisborne in the North Island of New zealand.paikea, the Whale Rider, is said to be an ancestor of these people. As pais grand father koro is very strict village chief the patrimonial leader same reflects back 2 paikea the tribes progenitor with the Maori legend which tells of a great man, Paikea, who came to a land ages ago riding on the back of a whale. The legend prophesizes that another whale rider will be born to lead the Maori people. Koro as a chief of the Maori village has the ultimate level of seniority and believes in the patrimonial line as his responsible for his traditional tribe .i.e. koro beliefs pai as a girl cannot become a leader .transactional leadership is also found in this movie because koros aim is to find a great leadership position for his tribal society. As shown in the movie pai was blamed for her brothers death, she was seen as the harbinger of bad fortune by koro her grandfather but piakea always focuses to be a good leader .paikeas main aim was to be success as a good leader and provide leadership based on her traditional principals ie the whale riding, learning the taiaha, language, chanting, traditional dance etc Individual culture and effects The both characters piakea and koro as stated above are true followers of their tradition and (Maori) culture .its their culture which binds each of them to be a good leader that they were in the movie Other leadership concepts and ideologies that you were able to identify in the whale rider: I would say this movie simply showed the traits theory to a large point of view .paikea who was born to be a leader and she was successful to become a leader by displaying her quality as a great chief .she proved her grandfather koro that she could become a good leader even if she is a girl, where as koro believed that a girl cannot be a chief. As mentioned above koro was an autocratic leader at most times because of his culture and traditional which was in danger, he was also concern about his people as a chief At the end of this movie koro accepts piakea and addresses her as a great wise leader. the unfinished waka was finished and launched at the end of this movie . LOTR: Fellowship of the ring Introduction This movie is directed by peter Jackson base on the first volume of J.R.R.Tolkiens the lord of the rings(1954-1955).it was follow by the two towers (2002) .set in middle-earth, the story tells of the dark lord sauron,who is looking for the one ring . Gandalf, an old wizard, deliver a ring to a hobbit named frodo.frodo is tasked with destroy the ring ,as it has the power to corrupt and bring on the destruction of peace in center earth. a group of heroes form a companionship to help frodo reach mordor so he can complete his task ,but along the way they are pursued by the minion of the rings destroyer .the fellowship was seprated,and a number of members were lost ,send-off frodo and his friend samwise to go on with alone while the remain members of the fellowship reform. Leader Aragon is the child of arathorn is a fictional character since J.R.R Tolkeins .he was one of the hero on lord of the rings .arogan was a ranger of the north, . He was eventually discovered to be the heir of  Isildur  and rightful claimant to the thrones of  Arnor  and  Gondor. He was also a confidant ofGandalf  and an integral part of the quest to destroy the  One Ring  and defeat the Dark Lord  Sauron He led the  Fellowship of the Ring  following the loss of Gandalf in the Mines of  Moria. after the Fellowship was broken, he track the hobbits  Merryand  Pippin  with the help of  Legolas  and  Gimli  to  Fangorn Forest  and fought in the battle at  Helms Deep  and the  Battle of the Pelennor Fields. After defeat Saurons armed forces in Gondor he led an army of Gondor and  Rohan  next to the Black Gate of  Mordor. At the end of the lord of the rings  Ã‚  he was crowned  king Elessar Telcontar  of Gondor. He married  Elronds daughter  Arwen, and assumed the Sceptre of Annà ºminas as King of Arnor, uniting the two kingdoms for the first time since the reign of Isildur. Aragon had charismatic leadership style he was a self motivated person and also motivating others as a hero it simply relates to the great man theory ,he was born as a leader reflecting his belief that heroes shape history through both their personal attributes and divine inspiration EFFECTIVENESS The two leaders as chosen both were effective leaders. Gandalf the greatest spirit and the wisest and gave him the elven  Ring of power  calledNarya, the Ring of Fire, containing a red stone for his aid and comfort. Tolkien explicitly links Gandalf to the element  Fire  later in the same essay.he got effectiveness poer wee everyone has to listen to him.Gandalf was sent the length of with the other Istari to help the people of Middle Earth in their struggle against the dark power of Sauron. He travelled extensively in the Western lands of center world and became known by many names, though he never settled in one location. Most of his time was spent among the more humble people of Middle Earth and by many he was regarded highly for his wisdom. Gandalf had legimate power .this is the kind of power were all contain to follow his way of rights Gandalf, have been the single one attitude a Ring of Power, the Ring of Fire.he may do a little pyro work. He use this and further of his powers.. Starting a fire in the snow storm on the mountain, setting the hilltop ablaze when they were attacked by Wargs, keeping a light glowing through Moria, using his power against the Balrog. Aragorn served his lords during that time under the name  Thorongil  (Eagle of the Star). With a small squadron of Gondorian ships, he led an physical attack on  Umbar  in 2980, on fire many of the Corsairs ships and personally slaying their lord through the Battle of the Havens. After the success at Umbar, Thorongil left the field, to the dismay of his men, and went East.   Aragorn undertake great journeys, serving in the armies of King  Thengel and of Steward  Ecthelion II  of Gondor . His tasks helped to raise morale in the West and to counter the growing threat of Sauron and his allies. Aragorn, also known as walker, is a descendant of the individual king who was also weak to devastate the Ring of Power when it came into his hand. raise by the Elf King Elrond in Rivendell later than the death of his parents, Aragorn learns as an grown-up that he is heir to the throne of Gondor. He also learns with the aim of he loves Elronds daughter Arwen. Aragorn joins the Fello wship of the Ring but, after Frodo in secret leaves the Fellowship to continue the unsafe journey without the accountability for the lives of his friends, Aragorn leads the others after Merry and Pippin, who have been capture by the sin Orcs. Types of organization,level of seniority and its effects The movie lord of the rings (fellowship of the ring),this was about destroying the powerful ring .it was made up of nine members who had started their journey to mordor to destroy the rings in the fires of mount doom where the ring was forged.gandalf was chooen and accepted as the main leader to lead them and then Aragorn had to lead the members for the journey when Gandalf sacrifices his life Gandalf was a very effective leader every one followed him whether any one agreed or not .he was also senior and respected person of all the people.the leadership grid created by by blake and mouton:its a two dimensional leadership model that describes major role .gandalf was taking care of his follows . .aragorn was born leader but he never used his power as a leader ,he was also the only king in the follow ship .he was rose to take a mantle of leadership when situation arose.according to the great man theory one having inherited the capacity of leadership Individual culture and effects The two leaders played a very important part in culture and traditional they both were leaders .aragorn was a leader but lives secretly in Rivendell as a ranger after his fathers death .it was effective because he knew how to lead others as a leader Gandalf was a wizard in the istari he was nt allowed to misuse the powers he got .in their organisaton they were only allowed to advise others if they are on the right direction .both Aragorn and Gandalf were trying to save and follow the task they had given In good company Introduction In Good Company  is a 2004 American comedy film written and directed by  Paul Weitz, and starring  Dennis Quaid,  Topher Grace, and  Scarlett Johansson.  The film is about a middle-aged publicity executive whose business is bought out by a huge international company leaving him with a new boss who is just about half his age. His life his more complicated when his boss takes a loving interest in his daughter. The film was a important and economic success, getting mostly helpful reviews Leader the two characters I would choose as leader from this movie are Dan and Carter.dan was working as a marketing chief before the new administration (after the take over )he decided that he could be a dinosaur .carter Duryea,on the other hand ,is the new chief of the marketing and at just 26 years of age whereas dans age of 50. Leadership style Dans leadership style can be called as contingency theory ,this theory simply means there is no single leader ,according to the theory there is no leader ship style which best describes in the situation .the leaders effectiveness depends on how well the leadership style is and how it cn fit the context . In the fred fiedlers this kind of model contains the relationship between the favorableness of a situation such as :the leader -member relationship ,how well the task is structured and the leaders position power obtained through formal authority. Dan foreman was highly respected and accepted by his co workers .he knew his job very well as a (chief of marketing ) After the take over at sports America he was displaced by a 26 year guy named carter Duryea,u got the job just because he had qualifications bt no experience he can be seen as transformational leader because he was successful leadership style .transformational leaders focus on the base level of the hierarchy .duryea was an extrinsic motivator who brings minimal compliance from his followers Effectiveness Foreman was a effective leader people was always listering to him because he was trusthworthy ,honest ,charisma ,reliability ,building relationships and givin respet to others .on the other hand Duryea wasnt a effective at leadership because he didnt hav much experience,he was more follower than a leader first his bosses then foreman . Type of power Dan hold charisma power ,which means he had plenty qualities that make him capable of inspiring a large number of people .foreman was a very effective leader and when he speaks people listern 2 him and follow his opinion .he used his power to motivate his co workers and lead them the right things even though he lost his position but people did respect him Carter Duryea has legitimate power .this power is described as a person who holds the position and hav the authority to rule his team as he didnt have experience the last thing he did was selling mobile phones to kids and this gave him a position as chief marketing Type of organization ,level seniority and it effects The both leaders worked at sports America ,a magazine targeted to sports fans.carter Duryea has the highest level of seniority based on his position in the department .the effect of this legitimate power means everyone has to listen him Whereby dan foreman didnt have any legitimate auothority after some one took his place .even though his colleagues remains silent and listens to him Individual culture and its effects Dan foreman came from the old school of thought about life this illustrates by foremans married life and his kids ,the life style at home and his successful career in the movie .he was some one who believed in trusthworthy ,honesty and etc Duryea on the other hand comes from todays young generation the one who believes in going for what you want no matter what .this was illustrated by Duryeas failure as a family man and husband.

Bipolar Disorder :: essays research papers

The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. History has shown that this affliction can appear in almost anyone. Even the great painter Vincent Van Gogh is believed to have had bipolar disorder. It is clear that in our society many people live with bipolar disorder; however, despite the abundance of people suffering from the it, we are still waiting for definite explanations for the causes and cure. The one fact of which we are painfully aware is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its’ victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Because bipolar disorder has such debilitating symptoms, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in the quest for explanations of its causes and treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affective disorders are characterized by a smorgasbord of symptoms that can be broken into manic and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior. Bipolar affective disorder affects approximately one percent of the population (approximately three million people) in the United States. It is presented by both males and females. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania and depression. These episodes may alternate with profound depressions characterized by a pervasive sadness, almost inability to move, hopelessness, and disturbances in appetite, sleep, in concentrations and driving.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs whether depression has been diagnosed or not. Most commonly, individuals with manic episodes experience a period of depression. Symptoms include elated, expansive, or irritable mood, hyperactivity, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, inflated self esteem, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, and excessive involvement in reckless activities . Rarest symptoms were periods of loss of all interest and retardation or agitation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Gladiator Essay -- Film Movie Gladiator Sports Essays

Gladiator There have been many sports movies made over the years. Some have been good, while others have been flops. Many sports movies have not been considered overall good movies simply because they were sports movies. I feel that one of the best and most overlooked sports movies of all time is the movie Gladiator. Gladiator is not only a good sports movie, but it is an all around good movie. Before we can call an all around movie a "good" movie, we must first define what a good movie is. A good movie can be defined as a movie that has many exceptional movie elements. The following are some major movie elements: plot, drama, special effects, theme, and character acting. For my review of the movie Gladiator, I will first explain what each one of the major movie elements needs to consist of to be considered good. I will then briefly describe the plot of the movie Gladiator. After that, I will compare the movie elements in Gladiator to the movie elements of a good movie. By doing this, I will explain how Gladiator is an all around good movie. Before a movie can be considered good, it must have a good plot. A good plot is a plot that tells a definite story and doesn’t focus on unimportant details. It moves from point to point and is never dull. A good plot also keeps the audience in suspense and has them wondering what will happen next. The most important part of a good plot is that it must give the audience something unexpected when it plays itself out. It should be surprising and the audience should not be able guess what will happen next. Drama is not a necessity of all movies, but it is a necessity of a good sports movie. A good sports movie should be full of drama. The audience should find themselves turning th... ...stic. James Marshall (Tommy) and Cuba Gooding Jr. (Lincoln) deliver Oscar worthy performances. Their acting is especially superb in their dramatic boxing match against each other. The way that Marshall and Gooding make you feel like you are actually in the arena through their actions is phenomenal. Marshall and Gooding both have the body structure and physical ability of great boxers. The casting for the movie is pure genius. The actors fit perfectly into their roles and perform like they were born to play them. It is my opinion that Gladiator is a movie of high value. It compares quite well to the major elements of a good movie in a lot of areas. A major reason that Gladiator is so fantastic is because although it has multiple themes, it is still very easy to follow and understand. It is an excellent sports movie, and perhaps one of the best movies of all time.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Plato and Aristotle Essay -- Philosophy Essays Wellness

Plato and Aristotle Plato and Aristotle have two distinct views on wellness. However, each man’s opinion on wellness is directly tied in to his respective opinions on the idea of imitation as a form of knowledge. Their appreciation or lack thereof for tragedy is in fact directly correlated to their own perspective on wellness and emotion. Firstly, it is important to consider each man’s view of wellness—that is how does each man go about addressing emotional stability. One important consideration is the approach Plato takes in relation to Aristotle. It is this approach that we will see actually mirroring between how they treat emotional well-being and their tolerance for imitation. In order to understand this hypothesis that each thinker’s handling of wellness is representative of how they handle imitation (and thus, representation), we need to step back and examine how in fact each gentleman approaches the question of emotional stability and happiness. For Plato, as defined in the â€Å"Republic†, emotion is to be suppressed. Speaking of poetry, he says: â€Å"We’d be right, then to delete the lamentations of famous men† (63). The idea of deletion is exactly what he is after. Taking something quite real, very much a part of the present moment, and with the swipe of an eraser, dimissing it as gone. In poetry, it is called deletion, and the words are no longer on the page. In psychology, it is called repression, and the concepts suggested for deletion are instead relegated to swell in the caverns of one’s mind. Plato speaks of emotion in poetry at other times as something we should â€Å"expunge† (61). Again, entrenched in his linguistics is a conscious hat tip to repression, to keeping emotion—be that joy, sadness, despair—out of highe... ...fact directly linked to his understanding of wellness, and the need to have an emotional release as a part of that wellness. What can then be steeped out of these observations? It becomes apparent that Plato and Aristotle do in fact have different views on how to reconcile wellness and these different views are directly linked to their approach to imitation. For Plato, who believes in ‘deleting’ and suppressing emotion, imitation is a device much too emotional for his support. The Aristotelian view that emotion is in fact a natural part of life, knowledge, and our own wellness translates in to his acceptance (if not always full embrace) of imitation. While different, the two men reconcile the problems of wellness in terms of the knowledge they deem acceptable. Works Cited Plato. Republic. Translated by Grube, G.M.A. Hackett. Second Ed. Indianapolis, 1992.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Irp Lost and Found

In the story Lost and Found by Anne Scarf, There were many minor conflicts, but two major conflicts. The decisions the girls made to resolve the major conflicts lead to retaliation. One major conflict in the story was that Jamie, a 14 year old middle- school student, was dating a boy named Bobby Wallace, a high-school student, who wasn't a boy anyone would recommend talking to. Game's older sister, Dairy (who was also a high school student) tried to convince her younger sister that she wouldn't be socializing with him.The second major problem was the girl's father left them for 5 years, and now decides he wants to be a part of their lives. In the story, the youngest sister ran away because she was overwhelmed. They had no clue where she was, that's pretty much why I chose to make a missing persons t-shirt. When someone is missing, wearing t-shirts is a way good way to inform others that someone is missing. I added the books descriptions to describe Jamie and tried to raw a picture of how Jamie might look.In the story her father thought to look under a tree, which was where they found her. It was the last place she was happy. In all actuality, people don't think to look under a tree to find you, so I think the t-shirt idea would be useful. People evaluate your clothes every day and in real life, people wear t-shirt when someone is missing, or when someone dies. It catches other people attention and encourages them to help look.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comparision of Korean Japanese and Chinese cuisine

Cuisine Is a culture also appear in particular region by deferent types. Each types of cuisine Is unique and deserve us to cherish. As they are according to different preference, split and tradition to form. That's why we need to explore the inheritance of sullen culture. Afterwards, I will compare Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Korean cuisine, then find out the difference and the among them. Firstly, about the culture of Chinese cuisine. It has strong influence on a lots of Asia countries. Carbohydrates is the basic element, such as rice and noodles.Chinese people emphasize the color, smell, taste, meaning and form. As China has different region, it divide lots of styles. But the most well-known are the Cantonese cuisine, Sandhog cuisine, Jungian cuisine and Schuman cuisine. Secondly, about the culture of Japanese cuisine. It also based on rice and noodle, such as don. However, their feature is fresh fish and miss soup. Japanese cuisine tend to use the five basic condiments t o enrich the natural flavors of food. The five basic condiments are showy, sake, mall, dash and salt.There also have some combination of the culture of foreign countries. For example, Ramee come from the Chinese and curry come from the British. Thirdly, about the culture of Korean sullen. It based on rice, meat and vegetable, but their feature is spicy. Korean people are clever, they think that grilled meat is headiness, as too headiness may cause damage to body, so they use the cool food such as Chime to remove headiness. Korean cuisine mainly are light and less greasy food. About the differences. Chinese chopsticks, Japanese chopsticks and Korean chopsticks are totally different.Chinese chopsticks have flat head, Japanese chopsticks have pointed head, Korean chopsticks are made by metal. Chinese chopsticks aims to clip foods, as they have contraindication is that they can't use hopscotch to needle food, and needle food means worship their ancestors. But Japanese chopsticks alms to needle food, as they like to eat sashimi, also It Is slippery and difficult to clip It. Korean people Like to eat grilled meat, so their chopsticks are made by mental In order to prevent morph because of the heat from the charcoal stoves. It Is also convenient to wash it.About the cooking methods of Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Korean cuisine. There are a various of cooking methods of Chinese cuisine, they are fried, cooked, leavened, boiled, braised, steamed, grilled, stir, simmer and rinse†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Etc. You can see that Chinese cuisine's making steps are complicated. Moreover, Chinese people are very care about the level of attainment, because it will effect the mouthful of the food. Japanese cuisine mainly are fresh ingredients, especially sea foods. For examples, sashimi and sushi. In contrast, Chinese people are not encouraged to eat raw food.Another famous types of Japanese cuisine is Sailed, It made by art. It will be decorated beautifully, but the amount Is sm all. The cooking methods of Korean cuisine mainly are barbecue and pickled, both of them hope to complement one another. Because cool food can equalize hatless food. In addition, Korean sullen Like to mixing. For examples, Bambina which means mixed rice and will put all the ingredients inside the sizzling Chinese cuisine's raw materials are diverse and complex, as China have different types of areas. They have prairie to feed animals and ocean to catch fishes.Furthermore, rice is still Chinese cuisine's main element. However, Japan and Korea have limited land area, their raw materials are more focusing but not have large varieties. As Japan is a sea island, their sea foods are abundant. But Japanese cuisine moieties may combined some foreign cuisine, so they may use some of the foreign raw materials as their raw materials, such as spaghetti. It proves that Japan is an international country. Rice is the emphasis of Korean cuisine, meat and fresh vegetable also included. Meats are for grilling.Besides, fresh vegetable for marinating Chime. That's indeed healthy. About the beverages, there also have a huge difference. Chinese main beverages are tea, Bijou and herbal drinks. Tea can deal with the problem of indigestion, such as black tea, long tea and green tea. Bijou is a white wine, and it made from rice, corn or wheat. Herbal drinks are similar as tea, but herbal drinks have medical benefits also made from medicinal herbs. Japanese main beverages are Japanese green tea, SSH ¶chiÃ'Ëœ and Sake. Japanese green tea which is made in Japan and have a positive effect on human.SSH ¶chiÃ'Ëœ is one kind of distilled wine and it made from buckwheat, wheat or rice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Etc. Sake is made from a variety of rice, so it is also a rice wine. It is common in Japanese restaurants. The best known Korean beverages are Korean beer, Yak and juju. About the Keenan beer, Korean people use rice to replace barley, so that the taste will be more sweeter ND lighter. Yak is Kor ean traditional rice wine, also is most formers one of their favorite. Juju mainly made from grain and rice. You can see that Korea has a high level of using rice as cuisine.About the etiquette of diet, Chinese, Japanese and Korean so care about it. Before having a meal, Japanese people will shout â€Å"dissimilar† to thank for the food. But Chinese people and Korean people will eat after ones elders eats. Furthermore, Japanese people like to eat noodles with slurping sound, it means appreciate for the chief. But for Chinese people and Korean people, they think it is unacceptable. Chinese people and Japanese people will use chopsticks to eat rice, however Korean people will use spoon to eat rice also but those rice into the bowl of soup.About the impact among these three countries, long time ago, China was the most influential country among East Asia. Rice and chopsticks were imported by China, so Japan and Korea absorbed this Chinese culture. Nowadays, you can see that Japan and Korea have developed their own feature of cuisine culture. Also, population grow because of the spread of the rice. The culture of Chinese cuisine encourage to cut up the food into little pieces, as they need to use hopscotch to pick up. Smaller pieces of food may be more easier to pick, also the size suits our mouth and it will cook more faster.This import to Japan and Korea, you can see most of their meal will be cut up into small pieces. It is crystal clear that Tofu and Ramee are very important to Japanese cuisine, it also imported by China. Japanese people transform these materials successfully but still keep the style of Japan. Japanese people transform tofu into egg tofu, it is more sweet and smooth. Moreover, Japanese people turn Ramee into Japanese Ramee, it is more attractive and famous than before. Additionally, Korean people like to pickle some fresh vegetable, such as cabbage and cucumber.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Philosophy of Music Education in the Indian Context Essay

These goals must be the first and foremost reason why we teach music. To instill an even greater understanding and love of the domain thus enabling our students develop a genuine interest and continue a life long journey that’s undertaken in varying degrees and through diverse roles. Phenix (1986) stress on the fact that knowledge of methods makes it possible for a person to continue learning and undertake inquiries on his own (p. 11). Estelle Jorgenson in her book â€Å"Transforming Music Education† eloquently describes the need for music education to be transformed for the very reason that children be able to continue developing their knowledge beyond the classroom. Effective music education is built of a foundation that encompasses discussions, goals, materials and strategies, based on a teacher’s knowledge and experience of music and child development, educational guidelines and â€Å"overarching, and developing philosophy of music education† (Fiske, 2012). Before I elucidate my philosophy about music, I recognize the need to clarify my stand as a music educator who is passionate and determined to elevate the status of music education within classrooms around India. My Musical Experiences Music has always been a part of me for as long as I can remember. My earliest memories of music, especially the performance aspect, goes back to when I was three years old and sang a solo for a Christmas Concert that was organized by the radio station that my father worked at. I have memories of him kneeling on one knee and playing the guitar for me while I sang after which I was delighted to receive a big present from Santa. Ever since, I have enjoyed performing, and have so felt so comfortable on stage. All along I grew up listening to Christian gospel music and many contemporary arrangements of hymns. Supplementary to that my father offered me a rich experience of Indian hindustani devotional music. I learned songs by ear and didn’t realize what I was missing at this point, imagining what I learned in music to be the only way to absorb and internalize it. Performing was something that I enjoyed doing and it came naturally to me, partly because of my early initiation into leading worship at church. My true test of endurance came about when I was introduced to Western Classical Music at the age of 14, through the study of two years of piano. My teacher, like many others around, displayed an extremely formalistic approach and didn’t do much to expand my understanding of music beyond what was on the page and how I was supposed to read it. In response to this method I didn’t enjoy learning from the pages of notated music books, as much as I did learning by ear, and I continued to develop as a musician who played by ear and improvised at will. Studying opera during undergrad was a trying phase for me because of my inability to â€Å"connect the dots† as easily as I should have been able to. My aural skills remained excellent and I sometimes relied on that to carry me through certain phases. Hard work and determination became my motto, and I spent hours to understand and perfect music that was assigned to me, as I wanted to do my very best. Although I had composed songs earlier, without notating them, the study of music theory opened up a whole new world for me. I could now add variety and richness to my music through the concepts I was learning. Music became a new language for me; I was captivated by the way it lent itself to diverse experiences through different musical roles (something that I wasn’t aware of or didn’t pay attention to earlier). As a Music Teacher Although I initially joined a conservatory to study vocal performance, I found myself deeply drawn towards music education, and during my second semester decided to learn more about devising meaningful and persuasive trategies to improve the standard of music education in India. This thought emerged from an understanding that I had felt almost cheated for having lost out on so many years of studying music formally, yet effectively. I didn’t have a choice because structured music instruction simply wasn’t available at all the schools that I studied in, or the quality of instruction didn’t serve the purpose of educating or informing students like me. What gave the impression of a music class/lesson at school was in reality an enthusiastic way of keeping students occupied for forty minutes in simple singing, with a concert for parents every once a year. We learned songs by rote to perform them, year after year. During those years though, I didn’t realize the limitations that this system came with and continued to enjoy the fact that I was in choir and able to sing. This vacuum remains largely visible and unattended to in schools today, although some music educators in the recent past have taken huge steps towards improving the quality and effectiveness of their instruction in classrooms around India. Their efforts however remain predominantly an enthusiastic endeavor. What is urgently required is certainly something much more than sincere teaching. It calls for a transformation of the present system, giving room for every child to receive superior music education that fits into the whole. The need of every student being met in a transformed educational framework that constantly reshapes itself to accommodate new ideas and strategies. After all, as Regelski (2003) rightly points out that music (music education) is for everyone and not just for an elite few. The turning point in my decision to finally teach music myself came about when I enrolled my four-year-old daughter, Tiara, for after-school piano lessons. I hoped to give her a head start, with the understanding that she needn’t have to face the same challenges in learning music, like I had to. However, after a few classes, I realized to my complete dissatisfaction that there was no structure, no thought and imagination, and no clarity in what was being thought to her. Her fingering on the piano was all over the place for the two songs that her teacher worked on â€Å"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. † And â€Å"Baa Baa Black Sheep† Her teacher (I later learned wasn’t introduced to classical notation), taught her these songs by writing letters in a book and instructing her to commit it to heart. Lesson after lesson they would follow the same outline with no emphasis on any other musical aspects whatsoever. I decided I wasn’t going to take this lying down! I had to do all within my capacity to change the face of music education, as the vast majority of people understand it. I began studying about music education as well, to inform and equip myself for the task at hand. Around this period, my voice teacher encouraged me to coach students in voice, and I began shying away from it believing I was under qualified and needed many years of study to begin teaching. However, with a newfound passion and vigor, I accepted to coaching some of his voice students and also began to teach small groups of students on the history of music (because I loved learning about it). Meanwhile, I started training both my young daughters at home constantly developing new ideas and strategies to introduce musical concepts to them. A friend noticed my teaching style and asked if I would teach her daughter too, and thus began my professional journey as a music educator. Four years since then, I find myself accountable for the music instruction I offer to over 250 children across various age groups, who are part of my school. The need is so great within schools, and only a few educators are willing to take the extra effort of educating themselves and being channels of superior music instruction-catalysts of sorts. I am blessed to have a team of ten teachers who share in my vision and work alongside me in imparting music to the children who are part of our music school, â€Å"Harmony†. My long-term vision is to enhance the music programs in India for the betterment of as many children as possible. Individuals don’t realize what they’re missing until they’ve been given a taste of it, a glimpse of the bigger picture (much like my case). Through our school performances I aim on providing a window for the change to take place. A transformation that not only affects my students, but others around them as well through their personal interactions with each other and the community as a whole. My Personal Philosophy â€Å"A field or discipline without philosophical guidance, without critically examined ideals and commitment to their revision in light of the diverse and changing needs of those it seeks to serve, is more akin to an occupation han a profession† (Bowman & Frega, 2012, p. 23). For my vision to bear fruit and show evidence of becoming something concrete, I realize the need to develop my philosophy of music to an extent that equips me with the requisite tools to be able to initiate the change that I seek after. In the words of Jorgenson (2008), â€Å"I want to excavate beneath the superficial and demonstrable skills to think about the ideas and principles of music teaching, the things that drive and shape †. According to Kivy (2002), â€Å"A practice or discipline or body of knowledge, then, seems to become ‘eligible’ (If that is the right word) for philosophy, properly so–called, when it becomes for us a way of life: when it cuts so deeply into our natures as human beings that we are impelled to explore and reveal its innermost workings† (p. 7). It is necessary for me to â€Å"clarify the major dimensions of musical experience† so I can â€Å"effectively offer them to, and nurture them within, â€Å" my students (Reimer, 2003, p. 9), this despite the passion and conviction with which I teach and advocate the need for arts in schools. I have begun to develop a synergistic mindset in my philosophy of music education after my reading and researching the literature, coupled with practical experiences over the last few years. Reimer (2003) points out â€Å" A synergistic mind-set is one open to cooperation as an alternative to contention, to searching for points of agreement or confluence as an alternative to fixating on discord, to recognizing nuances in which seemingly opposed views are capable of some level of contention† (p. 30). I agree with Reimer’s democratic view that musical meaning is meaning that â€Å"individuals choose to give to and take from music, based on their life experiences and their musical orientations. † He further adds that there is to be no â€Å"one right way†, and calls for an adaptation of a synergistic blend in music teaching. Music must involve decision making through discernment and connections within a particular role (Reimer, 2003, p. 213). Eisner (1987) illuminates the need for a curriculum that â€Å"exploits the various forms of representation and that utilizes all of the senses to help students learn what a period of history feels like†(p. 7). Similarly, offering students a basis for understanding music in all contexts involves a thorough exploration of musical meaning within its definitive parameters, along with contemplation or reflection. Introducing students to the music and other art forms of various cultures is a wonderful way to broaden their understanding of the meaning of music. A student does not need to lose his own musical identity in order to study other music. On the contrary, in learning about other music, a student’s life is enriched. Reimer states, â€Å"In the spirit of adding to the self rather than substituting other selves for one’s self, the study of the music of foreign cultures enriches the souls of all who are engaged in it† (p. 191). Music and Meaning As advocates of music, music educators are often expected to express the meaning of music through words, yet words are incapable of truly describing the beauty and emotion felt through experience. â€Å"The concern is not to arrive at a definition and to close the book, but to arrive at an experience† (Ciardi, 1975, p. ). Ciardi states that there â€Å"still lingers belief that a dictionary definition is a satisfactory description of an idea or of an experience† (p. 1). Words may attempt to describe music, yet true meaning must be derived from the actual music experience Reimer (2003) discusses the difference between meanings drawn from words or language and the meanings found through music. He writes, â€Å"Language is created and shared through the processes of conceptualization and communication. Music is created and shared through the process of artistic/aesthetic perceptual structuring, yielding meanings language cannot represent† (p. 133). â€Å"The real power of music lies in the fact that it can be â€Å"true† to the life of feeling in a way that language cannot† (Langer, 1942, p. 197). Phenix (1986) highlights the need to look for aesthetic meaning in music concluding that there has to be a delicate balance between descriptive proposition that serves the purpose of laying out a historical background and allowing for freedom to gain perceptual features. Though music may evoke emotions in my students as they compose or serve as an outlet for their feelings when they perform, the ultimate significance of music lies in its ability to symbolize/portray deeply felt emotions. In the pages of his article, How Does a Poem Mean, John Ciardi (1975) shares with the reader his view that language is not capable of completely conveying the meaning that is discovered through experience. Living through the poetry is more powerful than attempting to interpret it. I believe that language does, however, serve a purpose of enhancing and is required when teaching for musical meaning. Words such as diction, metaphor, rhythm, and counter rhythm describe elements that lead to the understanding of form. Once a student can identify changes in the form through performance, â€Å"he will have identified the poem in action† (p. 95). He will no longer ask what the poem means but will see â€Å"how it means† (p. 95). Ciardi suggests questions such as, â€Å"Why does it build itself into a form out of images, ideas, rhythms? How do these elements become the meaning? † and â€Å"How are they inseparable from the meaning? † (p. 100). These questions are helpful in leading a student to the ultimate meaningful experience. Likewise, music students may use their knowledge of musical elements, such as rhythm and dynamics, to see â€Å"how† a piece of music means. Reimer (2003) says language has the essential function of disclosing and explaining the music. Music elements are inseparable from the performance of the music as they help to explain the musical experience. On their own, however, words and definitions remain dull and lifeless. I believe students should be immersed in the experience, while in a chorus, performing their instruments and listening to those around them. Meaning can be discovered through active participation in music and through the emotion and beauty the music portrays, for â€Å"Music means whatever a person experiences when involved with music† (Reimer, 2003, p. 133). Ciardi’s (1975) statement: â€Å"It is the experience, not the final examination, that counts† (p. 3) is particularly striking. The Indian society places high emphasis on examinations in music as with other subjects, very often overlooking the need for students to value their experience through the process of learning. I sometimes feel pressured by the community to meet high concert performance expectations and good examination results. Although I recognize that performance and the International music exams is a wonderful opportunity in which students can share their music with the community, or understand their level of competency, the true reflection of meaning in the music should be experienced in day-to-day music making within my classroom. I do my best not to focus on the examination repertoire alone but to include other music as well giving them a chance to draw out meanings and experience the music. Ciardi (1975) describes a poem as a â€Å"dynamic and living thing† (p. 10). He continues stating, â€Å"One experiences it as one experiences life. One is never done with it: every time he looks he sees something new, and it changes even as he watches† (p. 10). Similarly, music is capable of revealing something new each time it is experienced. The meanings my students derive from an initial listening of a piece of music may be vastly different than the meanings understood months or years later. The meaning of music constantly changes with personal life experiences and new perspectives. Reimer claims, â€Å"Music education exists to nurture people’s potential to gain deeper, broader, more significant musical meanings† (p. 133). I believe my students should derive their own meanings from the musical experience and without my influence. By explaining meanings to them, I face the fear of casting into oblivion the celebration of their own unique experience with the music, much the same way a language teacher might, in more ways than one, take away from the experience of a students â€Å"feelingful† experience of poetry as she explains the meaning in the verses of the poem. Instead of teaching â€Å"what† music means, I will instruct students on â€Å"how† music means, enabling them to derive meaning from experiences that occur beyond the classroom, and within their own roles. Feeling through Music â€Å"Music does for feeling what language does for thought† (Bowman, 1998, p. 200). As a musician, I understand the power of music to evoke feelings. Listening to or performing a great work of music in a concert hall may bring tears or chills to the musician in a way that only music is capable. Similarly, students’ emotional lives may be heightened by experiences in the classroom. According to Reimer (2003), the â€Å"emotional dimension of music-its power to make us feel, and to â€Å"know† through feeling-is probably its most important defining characteristic† (p. 72). In Western history, emotion has often been regarded less valuable than intellect (Reimer, 2003). Some people do not consider the arts to be as important as other core subjects such as math and reading in education due to the belief that arts are based on emotions and not reasoning or intellect. Recently, however, scientific scholars have begun to recognize that human intelligence, or cognition, is exhibited in a variety of forms, directly related to functions of the body, and tied to feeling. Dimensions of the mind, once thought to be separate and unrelated, are now known to work together, contributing to the things we know and experience. Anthony Damasio, a research neurologist, believes â€Å"feeling is likely to be the key factor in human consciousness itself and an essential ingredient in human cognition† (Reimer, 2003, p. 76). The capacity to feel â€Å"pervades and directs all we undergo as living, aware creatures† (p. 8). â€Å"Direct experiences of feeling are embodied in music and made available to the bodied experience of those engaged with it† (p. 80). The use of descriptive and symbolic language in the classroom, in the teaching of a varied repertoire of expressive music, aids in drawing out these responses of feeling from students. Including music that is heavy and loud or delicate and light will bring out an array of feelings. I believe students should be given an opportunity to articulate these feelings through journaling and in-class discussion.

Favorite Time of Year

A Little Christmas Dinner Christmas is the time of year renowned for bringing families together in a way no other holiday can quite muster up to. Family togetherness feels like a cup of hot chocolate on the first cold night of the year; heart warming. That magical day when relatives flock from all over to be in one house, at one table, and to eat one meal, nothing is more special than a little Christmas dinner. Christmas is known for coming quicker and quicker each passing year.Many people begin to silently panic as soon as they hear the first Christmas song on the radio. To me it strikes into my head that our yearly family Christmas dinner is ever so close. As a child I enjoyed the Christmas dinner but not for the wholesome heart warming reasons that echo through my words now, but for the greedy natured presents. Admittedly the presents still are a highlight of the Christmas dinner, but after a few seasoned years of learning that Christmas is not about materialistic items I now feel that the Christmas dinner is the best part of this day.Every year we have the dinner at my grand parent’s quant house in the country. It takes a few hours to get there, but the country ride is more mesmerizing than any movie that I have ever seen. The twists and turns on a single lane road surrounded by tree’s help set the tone for what the day will bring. Every year I am always the first one there to help my grandparents to set up. The first thing I always remember to do is hug each one of them for as long as I can, thankful for another year to take in their open arms.After the greetings I always help Grandpa with the yard, raking up the final of the fall leaves and stringing up a few lights on top of the house because the little cousins always look forward to it. Grandpa is a hard working man that refuses to retire and knows his best working days are behind him. It seemed like yesterday all of this work he could have done with his eyes closed. Knowing how much sense of pride he gets on his hard work and watching him stand there helpless unable to do any of the work reminds me cherish the moments we have together.Soon Grandpa would be too tired to do much more and I would hustle back into the house to find Grandma hard at work. She has just as much work ethic as Grandpa but is ten years younger so she still has that fire that seems to burn deep in all of the Little family. She is hustling away baking cakes and cooking the ham. Watching how hard she works gives me a greater sense of joy than any present that I could possibly receive on this day. The other family members begin to arrive group by group.The food is still not done and the cake still needs to be frosted, but I believe Grandma sets it up like that so my four and five year old cousins can lick the spoon. Everyone pitches in to help on the final sides and setting the table while having casual conversation. And just as fast as Christmas seemed to come it was time to sit down and enjoy th e famous Little Christmas Dinner. We all gather around the large mahogany table and join hands and pray. My Grandpa always leads us into a wonderful prayer that always seems to summarize how we as a family feel.After the prayer we all line up from youngest to oldest to gather a plate load of the best food we will have the rest of year. Everyone hurry’s to get a big helping of Grandma’s mashed potatoes because she always seems to never cook enough. After we have all placed as much food that our little styrofoam plates can handle the food disappears almost as quickly as it was put on the plate. As soon as the food seems to settle into everyone’s system that is when the true Christmas spirit seems to have hit. The joy on everyone’s face echoes my sentiments that this Little Christmas Dinner is what life is truly about.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

British Cuisine

Some people criticize English nutrient. They say it s impossible, deadening, tasteless, it s french friess with everything and wholly overcooked veggies. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of spirit that British have nt had to contrive sauces to mask their natural gustatory sensation. What can compare with fresh urines or new murphies merely boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in vino or pick and spices, when with merely one or two herbs it is perfectly delightful? If you ask aliens to call some typically English dishes, they will likely state Fish and french friess so halt. It is dissatisfactory, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in eating houses, because the nutrient does nt impart itself to such readying. English cookery is found at place. So it is hard to a good English eating house with a sensible monetary values. In most metropoliss in Britain you ll happen Indian, Chinese, Gallic and Italian eating houses. In London you ll besides happen Indonesian, Mexican, Greek Cynics will state that this is because English have no culinary art themselves, but this is non rather the true.# 1040 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1081 ; # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1072 ; # 1103 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1093 ; # 1085 ; # 1103 ;# 1053 ; # 1077 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1088 ; # 1099 ; # 1077 ; # 1082 ; # 1088 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1080 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1102 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1081 ; # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1102 ; # 1077 ; # 1076 ; # 1091 ; . # 1054 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; # 1075 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1088 ; # 1103 ; # 1090 ; , # 1095 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1086 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1077 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1079 ; # 1084 ; # 1086 ; # 1078 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; , # 107 3 ; # 1077 ; # 1079 ; # 1074 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; , # 1095 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1101 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1095 ; # 1080 ; # 1087 ; # 1089 ; # 1099 ; 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# 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1095 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1085 ; # 1077 ; # 1090 ; # 1089 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1077 ; # 1081 ; # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1073 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1074 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1081 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1093 ; # 1085 ; # 1080 ; , # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1101 ; # 1090 ; # 1086 ; # 1085 ; # 1077 ; # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1089 ; # 1077 ; # 1084 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1082 ; . Questions: 1. What do aliens state when they criticize English nutrient? 2. Make English people use a batch of sauces? 3. From a alien s point of position, what typically English dishes? 4. Make all English eat in eating houses? 5. What sort of eating houses can you happen in Britain? 6. Is it the true that English have no culinary art? Vocabulary: to knock # 1082 ; # 1088 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1080 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; tasteless # 1073 ; # 1077 ; # 1079 ; # 1074 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; overcooked # 1087 ; # 1077 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; ingredient # 1080 ; # 1085 ; # 1075 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1076 ; # 1080 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1090 ; , # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1074 ; # 1085 ; # 1072 ; # 1103 ; # 1095 ; # 1072 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; toinvent # 1080 ; # 1079 ; # 1086 ; # 1073 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1090 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; sauces # 1089 ; # 1086 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; todisguise # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1088 ; # 1099 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; spice # 1089 ; # 1087 ; # 1077 ; # 1094 ; # 1080 ; # 1103 ; , # 1087 ; # 1088 ; # 1103 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; herb # 1090 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; delightful # 1086 ; # 1095 ; # 1077 ; # 1085 ; # 1100 ; # 1074 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1085 ; # 1099 ; # 1081 ; let downing # 1086 ; # 1073 ; # 1080 ; # 1076 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; tolend # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1072 ; # 1083 ; # 1078 ; # 1080 ; # 1074 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; culinary art # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1093 ; # 1085 ; # 1103 ;